BIbook Power BI-konsultation: Lös ett tillfälligt behov
Du kan lösa ett tillfälligt behov, som att automatisera ERP-rapporteringen, genom att anlita en konsult. Det är en snabb lösning för ett snabbt behov.
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BI Book gör Power BI-implementeringar snabbare och mer kostnadseffektiva.
Färdigbyggda integrationer, datalager och rapportmallar sparar mycket pengar och tid, och en fast månadsavgift inkluderar underhåll av allt detta. Du behöver inga dyra Power BI-licenser för dig själv, tack vare BI Books Premium-kapacitet.
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A. Ahlström streamlines financial operations with Process Mining
Thanks to BI Book, A. Ahlström can now monitor automation progress in real time. The project has resulted in significant improvements, including a higher level of automation and more efficient contract invoicing processes.

Valve boosted their financial performance management and management team work with BI Book
Valve, a marketing and communications group, needed comprehensive metrics and reports to support their financial performance management, which their own systems were unable to provide. BI Book has effectively helped them to do this.

Weaver Technologies deployed holistic BI-reporting within two weeks
Weaver Technologies is a Texas-based IT service enterprise supporting school districts, universities, and commercial entities across the region. With BI Book, the company has reached full insight to their data and gotten versatile up-to-date reporting to support the business.