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3 min read

6 reasons to choose Power BI

Published on
April 11, 2022
6 reasons to choose Power BI

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Microsoft was once again named a market leader in the 2022 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Analytics and BI Platforms. That was no surprise for the millions of satisfied Power BI users worldwide. This article sheds light on why Power BI keeps dominating the analytics market year after year.

Continuously developing tool

Microsoft has significant resources and an extensive active community around its products. Those enable them to continuously develop Power BI to help individuals, teams, and organizations make better data-driven decisions. In 2021, they developed several new features to make Power BI even more user-friendly.

Good examples of those features are the ability to easily share links to reports the same way as in other Office applications and automatically generate visuals by pasting data into Power BI on the web. They have also brought new AI capabilities such as Smart Narratives, Anomaly Detection, and Automated Insights into Power BI.

Active community

The community around Power BI continuously develops new innovations and integrations around it. In most cases, those innovations help everyone in the community. The community also provides Microsoft with new feature and development ideas all the time.  

Active community and a large pool of users also mean it is easy to learn to use Power BI by utilizing resources, such as videos and blogs, provided by this community.

Easy to use

Power BI is one of the most widely used analytics tools worldwide because of its user-friendliness. It is much easier to use than most analytics tools on the BI market. Anyone who can use Excel can quickly learn to use Power BI.

Cost-efficient BI tool

Even though Power BI is the leader in the BI markets, it has a disruptively low pricing model compared to its toughest competitors. Microsoft has managed to keep the price of Power BI affordable without sacrificing any quality.

Easy customizable and integrate

Power BI is really easy to customize regarding ETL or visualizations. Intuitive and user-friendly ways to create new calculations, modify data model and customize visuals provide end users with all the necessary tools to succeed in business intelligence.

Works seamlessly with other Microsoft products

One significant advantage of Power BI is that it works seamlessly with Microsoft’s other products. It has over a hundred pre-built integrations to other apps on Microsoft’s wide product portfolio. These pre-built integrations improve the user experience and decrease the cost because you do not have to build all those integrations from scratch.

BI Book - a shortcut to deploying Power BI

BI Book reporting and analytics tool provides an easy and cost-effective way to combine over 50 systems with Power BI. This way, you can access Power BI without building the integrations, data warehouse, and report templates. In addition to Power BI’s standard features, it also provides several useful extra features to ease reporting and budgeting.